CREATE's New 3D Printer
CREATE Labs has recently acquired a Prusa XL 3D printer, which is capable of printing anything that fits inside of a 36x36x36 centimeter cube with up to five different materials at once. Our first test print (pictured above) was a UGA branded airless football.
What does this mean for our clients? An assembly that needs both flexible and rigid features used to mean multiple parts, but the Prusa XL can include both in the same print. This cuts down on part count and prototyping time, greatly increasing our efficiency. If you have a project needing this capacity, visit the HIRE US page at the top of the home page.
What does this mean for our students? Every printer we own and service is a good learning opportunity for students to gain hands-on experience with 3D printers, which is becoming more important in the engineering industry as a whole because the skills gained in the process of repairing, maintaining, and using 3D printers translates well into potential industry skills. Rapid prototyping with minimal waste allows for learning at a faster rate. If you're an interested UGA student, please visit our JOIN US page located on the right side of the navigation bar.